Friday, July 6, 2018

Five Things Friday

Thanks to the just awfulness of the news and life in general this week, I've been trying to keep calm and carry on. I can't get on Facebook or Twitter without feeling overwhelmingly helpless, sad, and angry. Oh. So. Angry.

So, I decided to try to find 5 things that make me happy. As an exercise.

1. My bestest best friend Andiroo. Though we are hundreds of miles apart, we manage to talk every day and she has been such a blessing, especially of late.

2. Rachel Held Evans. Thanks to Andi, I found this amazing writer and I've been devouring her work. I started with Searching for Sunday and now I'm deep in Inspired: Slaying Giants, Walking on Water, and Loving the Bible Again. So thankful for this book. I'm reading an ebook copy but I may have to buy this on in paper for easy rereading. I am highlighting so many great passages. 

A favorite:
Jesus is what the living, breathing will of God looks like. This includes compassion for the poor, esteem for women, healing for the sick, and solidarity with the suffering. It means breaking bread with outcasts and embracing little children. It means choosing forgiveness over retribution, the cross over revenge, and cooking breakfast for the friend who betrayed you.

3. I found a Johann Pachelbel playlist on Spotify and it is giving me LIFE. I have always loved Canon in D, I had to play it enough in piano lessons and band in school, so it's been a thrill to hear some "new" compositions by him. He was pretty brilliant. I love listening to Classical music while reading.

4. I've been listening to Pride and Prejudice this week. It's the Audible edition, read by Rosamund Pike and it is both irritating and lovely. Irritating in that I still detest Mrs. Bennet and Lydia and now I have a new appreciation for just how irritating Mr. Bennet is as well. I did not remember just how truly terrible they were as parents. I mean, wow. Just wow. Mr.s Bennet is an empty-headed narcissist and Mr. Bennet is an aesthete and neglectful parent. Rosamund Pike, however, is a delight. She needs to read more books.

5.  Naps. I love naps. Sometimes it's the little things y'all.

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